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Isn't that more productive instead of calling someone a snake oil salesman because he has poor writing skills along with debating with those that understand the books. trading price action al brooks for free#

Therefore, why not seek help from them here at the ET forum or at Al Brooks method discussion forum for free especially considering you're obviously willing to pay for the books a second time. Last of all, you do realize that there will be those that will understand his books (it always happen) along with having the ability to explain the methods discussed in the books in a more coherent manner than Al Brooks. There's no reason to ask $129 for 3 books who cost $3 to print in China. If he didn't lived of his books, well write a clear document and post it on your blog or site. His new book is just the same crappy written style, that is pure SNAKE OIL SALESMEN practice to me. Look, if his new books where actually better written and didn't pulled the same crap like he did in his first book, I would strongly admit that it's better. There is absolutely 0 reason to write a confusing book, to then later write 3 books with the same stuff and saying: hey I made it easier, while it's not easier and it's the same stuff he's pulling on you just now he did it in 3 books.Įxcept if you are living from your books that is and want to become a GURU. trading price action al brooks

There is absolutely 0 reason to write in book 1 something and saying: I'll explain this in book nr 2. There is absolutely 0 reason to write confusing stuff and then only 50 pages later to explain what he was saying 50 pages ago. More.Absolutely not, it's a sign that he's in there to create a GURU status.
 trading price action al brooks